Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life: Upgrades.

So it's been a long time since I last posted. I feel I should get back in the habit of posting my challenges, reviews and progress in getting a game career. Lately it's been getting hectic as I get trained to be a floor supervisor at HMV for christmas. I've only been at HMV since June, so this might be the fastest I've moved up at any of my jobs. I'm also realizing just because I've moved up at every job I've worked at, it literally means nothing. It's great for if I want to work retail for the rest of eternity, however it gives me no edge in any other aspect.

I can manage teams of up to forty people, I can delegate, manage tasks, work with deadlines... yet my resume apparently does not commnicate this, or these aren't worthwhile skills. I believe they are, but I'm also outside the industry staring in. I feel like I'm at the zoo, but I have been feeding the lions, now I want to be one. I said once I would literally kill a man to work at Bioware and then my friend stabbed back with "Well, they're only asking for a module... much easier." Sadly a module requires a lot of time and focus. I have focus, but very little time. I also find myself getting stuck on the most rediculous things (I just want this guy to automatically talk to the player when the module loads, why is this script not working?! ARG!) and it just taking forever. The last module I made was deep, intricate and well layed out, but for some strange reason I didn't have the problems with that one that I am currently plagued with! Perhaps it might have been because I was fresh out of my Computer Science stint and programming was still fresh. Now, I'm rusty at coding and frustrated by the little things. It only makes me more determined to finish it, but I feel like I've become limited because of my rusty coding skills.

Anyway, I just thought I'd post on here to perhaps get back into the habit and give an update to the family and friends who are curious! Thanks for the support!