Friday, July 24, 2009

A Future Uncertain.

As I sit amid the heat, I think back to fighting for my transcripts. Now after I failed to gain entry into Computer Engineering and Mathematics at my University of choice I am left one more option left. Sadly that school has just now requested official transcripts from my school, which is now in summer session, so no one is there. What's one more year? I ponder a moment and it doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things but to an employer I am at the age where people will be graduating with degrees. If I go back it will be four years minimum before I am back into the work force and I will be just that much closer to retirement. Some might laugh, yeah twenty eight is pretty close... but from the same graduating class, if they have the choice between some one four years younger, they have that much longer until that person retires.

I find myself always working harder for the job I currently have than the one I want. I technically work ten hours a day, due to travel time and an unpaid break. My problem is I can't be content at my current job. I love writing, creating worlds, characters, situations and stories. I also love game design, balancing, stories, mechanics, testing and of course playing. One of my ten year and beyond goals is to open my own industry approved Game School and teach others the skills required to land jobs in the industry. I've been told there's a wealth of information on the internet... but that is much like saying I'd love to try a red delicious and they send you to an orchard with every variety of apple. How are you supposed to find it, if you don't know what you're looking for? The apple you want is probably red... and delicious, but this green apple is also delicious.

Perhaps I complain too much, or waste too much time on this blog. I find time is exactly the same as money... the more you have, you raise your spending to match your increase. Anyway back to writing my story!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a certain amount of years working for a company before you could retire. not a specific age. the people that retire at a specific age just quit and go on gov't funds.
i don't think being older makes a difference, if anything it means more life experience.