Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Tim and the Eight Day Stretch.

So, I am warning everyone... I may be on media blackout for the next eight days. I work straight from July ninth, to July Sixteenth and all my spare time will be spent on my course and my writing.

One thing I have learned thus far is playtesting board games is so rediculously fun! I am currently working on the deck for Propaganda!!! which I am confident enough with that once I get the playtesting done I may submit it to be published. (If I can find a publisher of board games that is...).

Oh! Also everyone keep their fingers crossed for me, I just applied to every position at Bioware that is available to me and my current level of experience with games. Soon I might indeed get a call back... but it will be a restraining order! Although with every story, and every game design I see through to completion... I feel that much more confident and even closer to achieving my goal, despite the UofA not accepting me this year (Thanks goes out to my old high school for sending out my transcripts almost five months after I applied).

No new creative items to post here, just news. Keep following though and they shall come like the rains... in Edmonton.

Thanks Again,


TG said...

Good luck mate, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
And once you get into Bioware, don't forget to tell them about this programmer you know from Israel ;)

Unknown said...

millwood only shows the highest standards of response times eh?

good luck on bioware budday, you'll get there soon.